Will Possums Eat Cat Food? Keeping Possums Away from Cat Food

Will Possums Eat Cat Food
Will Possums Eat Cat Food

Possums can be a nuisance for cat owners, especially those who feed outdoor cats. These nocturnal creatures often sneak into yards at night in search of an easy meal. But do possums actually eat cat food? And if so, how can you keep them away? This article will answer those questions and provide tips to protect your cat’s food from hungry possums.

Do Possums Eat Cat Food?

The short answer is yes, possums will eat cat food if given the chance. Possums are omnivores and opportunistic eaters. They’ll consume almost anything they can find, including:

  • Fruits and berries
  • Insects
  • Small animals
  • Pet food
  • Garbage
  • Bird seed

Cat food is very appealing to possums. It’s high in protein and fat, making it a nutritious and tasty meal. Dry kibble and wet canned food are both attractive to possums.

Why Possums Are Drawn to Cat Food

There are a few reasons why possums seek out cat food:

  • It’s an easy food source that requires little effort to obtain
  • The strong smell attracts them from far away
  • It provides good nutrition for possums
  • Outdoor feeding areas are often unguarded at night when possums are active

Possums have a keen sense of smell. Once they find cat food in your yard, they’re likely to return night after night looking for more.

Are Possums Dangerous to Cats?

Are Possums Dangerous to Cats
Are Possums Dangerous to Cats

While possums will eat a cat’s food, they rarely attack cats themselves. Possums are generally non-aggressive and prefer to avoid confrontation. When threatened, they’re more likely to play dead than fight back.

However, possums can carry diseases that may spread to cats, including:

  • Fleas
  • Ticks
  • Leptospirosis
  • Tuberculosis

They may also fight with cats if cornered. Their sharp teeth and claws can injure cats in rare cases.

For these reasons, it’s best to keep possums and cats separated. Protecting your cat’s food is one way to do this.

How to Keep Possums Away from Cat Food

If possums are eating your cat’s food, try these methods to deter them:

1. Feed Cats Indoors

The simplest solution is to feed your cats inside and not leave food outdoors. This removes the temptation for possums entirely.

2. Use Timed Feeders

If you must feed cats outside, use an automatic feeder that opens only at set times. Program it to dispense food during the day when possums are inactive.

3. Clean Up Promptly

Don’t leave uneaten cat food sitting out overnight. Remove bowls after feeding time and store them inside.

4. Install Motion-Activated Lights

Bright lights can startle possums and make them flee. Set up motion-sensor lights near feeding areas.

5. Create Barriers

Place cat food bowls inside enclosures possums can’t access. Options include:

  • Elevated platforms
  • Fenced areas
  • Covered feeding stations

6. Use Possum Repellents

Natural repellents that may deter possums include:

  • Ammonia
  • Garlic
  • Hot pepper spray
  • Predator urine

Sprinkle or spray these around feeding areas. Reapply often as rain washes them away.

7. Remove Other Food Sources

Possums are attracted to yards with plentiful food. To make your property less inviting:

  • Secure garbage cans with locking lids
  • Clean up fallen fruit and berries
  • Don’t leave pet food outside
  • Cover compost piles
  • Remove bird feeders at night

8. Block Entry Points

Seal off areas under decks, sheds, and porches where possums may den. Use sturdy wire mesh or wood to block access.

Humane Ways to Remove Possums

If possums persist despite your efforts to deter them, you may need to remove them. Here are some humane options:

Live Trapping

You can trap possums in a large cage trap baited with cat food or fruit. Release them at least 5 miles away in a wooded area.

Scare Tactics

Try to frighten possums away with:

  • Loud noises
  • Bright lights
  • Sprinklers activated by motion sensors

Professional Removal

As a last resort, hire a wildlife control expert to safely trap and relocate problem possums.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are possums bad to have around?

Possums play an important role in the ecosystem. They eat pests like ticks, snails, and rodents. Possums rarely carry rabies due to their low body temperature. However, they can be a nuisance in yards and may spread other diseases.

Do possums attack cats or dogs?

Possums rarely attack pets. They prefer to avoid conflict and will usually run away or play dead if threatened. However, they may fight back if cornered, potentially injuring pets.

What time of night are possums most active?

Possums are nocturnal, meaning they’re most active at night. They typically emerge from their dens at dusk to forage for food. Possums are most likely to visit yards and eat pet food between sunset and sunrise.

How can you tell if a possum is eating your cat’s food?

Signs that possums are eating cat food include:

  • Food disappearing overnight
  • Scattered kibble around feeding areas
  • Possum droppings nearby
  • Paw prints in the area
  • Sightings of possums at night

Is it safe for cats to eat possum food?

It’s best not to let cats eat food meant for possums. Possum bait may contain harmful ingredients. Cats eating from a possum feeding station could also be exposed to diseases.

Keeping Your Cat Safe

While possums aren’t typically aggressive, it’s wise to keep them away from your cats and their food. Use the tips in this article to protect outdoor feeding areas. With some simple precautions, you can ensure your cat’s food stays out of possum paws.

Remember these key points:

  • Possums will eat cat food if available
  • They’re most active at night
  • Possums rarely attack cats but may spread disease
  • Removing food sources is the best deterrent
  • Use barriers and repellents for extra protection
  • Humane removal is an option for persistent possums

By being proactive, you can keep both your cats and local possums safe and healthy. With the right approach, cats and wildlife can coexist peacefully in your yard.


Possums will eat cat food if given the opportunity, which can lead to various problems for pet owners. By implementing the strategies outlined above, you can effectively keep possums away from your cat’s food and ensure a safe and healthy environment for your pets.

Feeding cats indoors, removing food at night, using repellents, and securing other food sources are all effective ways to deter possums and protect your cat’s food supply.

Summary Table: Ways to Keep Possums Away from Cat Food

Feed Cats IndoorsFeed your cats inside to prevent possums from accessing the food.Easy
Remove Food at NightTake cat food inside before dusk to avoid attracting nocturnal possums.Easy
Elevate the FoodPlace food on a high platform with a slippery pole to deter possums.Moderate
Use Wildlife RepellentsApply commercial or natural repellents around the feeding area.Easy-Moderate
Secure Trash CansEnsure trash cans and other food sources are not accessible to possums.Easy
Trim Trees and BushesCut back trees and bushes to reduce possums’ access to your property.Moderate
Install Motion-Activated DevicesUse lights or sprinklers to startle and deter possums.Moderate
Use a Microchip Pet FeederUse a feeder that only opens for your cat’s microchip or collar tag.Easy

By following these tips, you can keep possums away from your cat’s food and maintain a peaceful and safe environment for your pets.

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