Why is My Cat Asking for More Food and How Can I Stop It?

Why is My Cat Asking for More Food

Is your cat always begging for food? Does your feline friend seem hungry all the time? Many cat owners face this issue. Let’s look at why cats beg for food and how to stop this behavior.

Why Do Cats Beg for Food?

There are several reasons why your cat may be constantly asking for more food:

1. Hunger

The most obvious reason is that your cat is truly hungry. Some signs that your cat isn’t getting enough food include:

  • Weight loss
  • Low energy
  • Dull coat

If you see these signs, talk to your vet about adjusting your cat’s diet.

2. Boredom

Indoor cats may beg for food out of boredom. Eating gives them something to do. Try these tips to keep your cat busy:

  • Play with your cat more often
  • Get puzzle toys that dispense food
  • Set up perches near windows

3. Habit

Cats are creatures of habit. If you’ve given in to begging before, your cat learned that it works. It may take time to break this habit.

4. Medical Issues

Sometimes, a cat that’s always hungry may have a health problem. Some conditions that can increase appetite include:

  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Diabetes
  • Intestinal parasites

If your cat’s hunger seems extreme, see your vet to rule out these issues.

5. Nutritional Needs

Low-quality cat food may not give your cat the nutrients they need. This can make them feel hungry even after eating. Choose a high-quality cat food that meets all your cat’s nutritional needs.

How to Stop Your Cat from Begging for Food

Stop Your Cat from Begging for Food
Stop Your Cat from Begging for Food

Now that we know why cats beg, let’s look at ways to stop this behavior:

1. Stick to a Feeding Schedule

Feed your cat at the same times each day. This helps your cat know when to expect food. Adult cats usually do well with two meals a day.

2. Use Puzzle Feeders

Puzzle feeders make your cat work for their food. This slows down eating and keeps them busy. It’s a great way to fight boredom and stop begging.

3. Ignore the Begging

When your cat begs, don’t give in. Any attention – even scolding – can reward the behavior. Instead, ignore your cat when they beg. Only give food at set meal times.

4. Increase Playtime

A tired cat is less likely to beg for food. Play with your cat more to burn energy and reduce boredom. Try these games:

  • Chase the laser pointer
  • Fetch with small toys
  • Hide and seek

5. Check Portion Sizes

Make sure you’re feeding the right amount. Check the food package for guidelines based on your cat’s weight. Ask your vet if you’re not sure.

6. Offer Small, Frequent Meals

Instead of two big meals, try feeding smaller amounts more often. This mimics how cats eat in the wild.

7. Address Medical Issues

If you think your cat’s hunger is due to a health problem, see your vet. Treating the underlying issue may stop the begging.

Table: Common Causes of Increased Appetite in Cats

Health IssuesConditions like hyperthyroidism or diabetesVet consultation and treatment
Poor NutritionLow-quality food lacking essential nutrientsProvide high-quality balanced diet
Habitual BehaviorFeeding at specific times or frequent treatsGradually change feeding routine
Boredom or StressLack of stimulation or environmental changesProvide toys and reduce stressors

Common Questions About Cat Hunger

Here are some questions cat owners often ask about their cat’s eating habits:

Is my indoor cat always hungry?

Indoor cats may seem hungrier because they’re less active. They may eat out of boredom. Make sure your indoor cat gets enough play and mental stimulation.

Why does my cat cry for food all the time?

Constant crying for food could mean:

  • Your cat is truly hungry
  • It’s become a habit
  • There’s a medical issue

If the crying is new or extreme, check with your vet.

How do I know if I’m feeding my cat enough?

Signs that your cat is getting enough food include:

  • Stable weight
  • Good energy levels
  • Shiny coat
  • Normal bathroom habits

Your vet can help you determine the right amount to feed your cat.

Should I free-feed my cat?

Free-feeding (leaving food out all the time) works for some cats. But it can lead to overeating in others. It’s usually better to feed set meals.

Why is my cat always hungry but not gaining weight?

If your cat eats a lot but doesn’t gain weight, it could be a sign of:

  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Diabetes
  • Intestinal parasites

See your vet if you notice this.

When to See a Vet

While some begging is normal, see your vet if:

  • Your cat seems extremely hungry all the time
  • There’s a sudden increase in appetite
  • Your cat is losing weight despite eating more
  • You notice other changes in behavior or health

Your vet can check for underlying health issues and help you create a feeding plan.

Tips for Healthy Cat Feeding

Here are some general tips for feeding your cat:

  1. Choose high-quality cat food
  2. Feed the right amount for your cat’s size and age
  3. Stick to a regular feeding schedule
  4. Use puzzle feeders to make meals more interesting
  5. Avoid giving too many treats
  6. Always provide fresh water
  7. Talk to your vet about your cat’s specific needs

Remember, every cat is different. What works for one may not work for another. Be patient as you find the right feeding routine for your feline friend.


A cat that’s always begging for food can be frustrating. But with patience and the right approach, you can manage this behavior. Remember to rule out health issues, feed a high-quality diet, and stick to a regular feeding schedule. With time, your cat can learn that begging doesn’t work, leading to a happier relationship between you and your feline friend.

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